'They're cunning, those pigs', and indeed they are. Having worked our how to lift the bottom of the fence with the determined supplication of snout leverage the piglets were happily rootling around in three different fields. However- and this is the really cunning part- as soon as we approached they all ran back into their field and stood innocently with 'what? us?' expressions. We weren't fooled. The solution was to drive more two more fence posts into the bent parts of the fence. Fortunately this wasn't too hard using a post rammer (which we have used before). Try and break out of that, little piggies! (and they will).
The pigs in three different fields |
Totally unrepentant escapee |
After carrying the new arrival into a crèche pen, which is full of straw and has high sides to keep out the biting fenland wind, we moved last weeks twins into the next-door field so that their mother could do some proper grazing.
A new ram lamb pops out! |
The twin ewe lambs at 1 week old (born 21st March) |
The final project of the day (the project as a whole will be ongoing for many weeks yet) was to dig over the vegetable beds in preparation for the rotovator. The aim is to turn over the topsoil before the beds are covered with black plastic for a few weeks to kill off the grass and weeds. The rotovator then turns the heavy sods into a fine(r) soil for planting.
Digging over the vegetable beds - these are for brassicas |
Finished! (well, four are finished anyway) |